Animated Reindeer Family Silhouette, 88 cm

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Bring the magic of Christmas to life with this captivating Animated Reindeer Family Silhouette. Measuring 88 cm tall, this enchanting set features a majestic stag and a graceful doe all adorned with 408 bright white LED lights this product is made up of 17 metres of rope light that create a mesmerizing glow.

As the twinkling lights illuminate their forms, the reindeer appear to move and graze, adding a touch of whimsy and enchantment to your holiday décor. The stag's head sways gently from side to side, while the doe's head moves up and down, creating a lifelike effect that is sure to delight all who behold it.

Enjoy the magic of Christmas as this accessory lights up your home complete with a male/female connector with watertight seal.

Whether gracing your home's interior with festive cheer or adding a touch of magic to your outdoor winter wonderland, the Animated Reindeer Family Silhouette is sure to be a cherished centrepiece for years to come. Gather loved ones around its enchanting glow, create cherished memories, and let the spirit of the season fill your hearts with joy.

Unleash the magic of Christmas with the Animated Reindeer Family Silhouette, a captivating spectacle that will enchant all.